February 2022
Linda’s list for Feb. 20: Cold snap tomorrow, early seeding tips
Last year this time we were coming out of a period of very heavy snowfall and sub-zero
weather so this February has been quite a pleasant surprise. Now, however, a late cold snap
is forecast to materialize starting Monday or Tuesday, depending on where you are, with
nighttime temperatures falling well below freezing. If you were lulled into uncovering tender
plants (I’m looking at you, citrus growers!), best cover them up again. Plants that have
started growing are more vulnerable to cold now than they would have been a month ago.
Especially be sure to protect artichoke crowns, which, if they survived the December cold, will
have started to grow by now. Also protect half-hardy herbs, such as rosemary, and pull tarps
back over beds of spinach, lettuce and other leafy greens for the next couple of nights. We
still have a bit of winter to get through, with snowstorms in March not uncommon (and even in
early April at higher elevations). Although more frosty nights are undoubtedly coming our
way, temperatures don’t usually drop into the extreme cold range after February.
Do continue to keep any root crops in the garden well-insulated with deep mulches to keep
the roots cool. We don’t want them to know that spring is here! When they start new growth,
they use up sugars in the roots to grow new roots and make flower stalks, with the inevitable
loss of flavour and quality. Usually, I dig any remaining carrots, beets, etc. around April 1 and
put them in the refrigerator, but this year, given the warm weeks we have had this month, it
might be necessary to dig them sooner. As I have been moving aside the thicker mulches
over garlic, strawberries and other plants I have been piling it higher on the carrot beds.
When you start to see the first tiny leaves emerging from the top of a carrot root, it shows the
“spring” message has gotten through and it is time to harvest.
Which brings me to the subject that occupies gardeners this time of year: When to plant?
Spring on the coast can be very long, sometimes stretching from late February to June,
though often delayed by cold weather in February and even March. It is impossible to give a
calendar date when you can plant seeds or seedlings outdoors, but you can use soil
temperature as a measurement. Soil thermometers are sold in some garden centres and
through Lee Valley Tools and other mail order suppliers. Soil temperature determines
germination rate: The warmer the soil, the faster seedlings get going and the less time they
spend vulnerable to damping off, cutworms, slugs, birds and other critters. Wait until soil is at
least 10oC [50oF] before sowing cool season crops, such as lettuce, cabbage family, spinach.
Although some vegetables, such as onions, can germinate in freezing soil, it takes them many months to do so, whereas in warm soil, germination only takes a week or two. Sowing warm season crops, such as beans should wait until the soil is over 15oC [60oC] and we are a long way from that right now.
An indicator that does not work for timing spring planting in our coastal region is the average
last frost date. While it can be useful for timing plantings in less geographically complex
regions of the continent, such average records aren’t much use on the coast. Here,
mountains, fjords, valley and seaside landscapes experience strikingly different frost patterns
often from one neighbourhood to the next. As climate change picks up speed and delivers
increasingly variable weather, historical averages are also becoming less useful as indicators
of future conditions.
The bottom line is that the later you wait to start seedlings, the more likely it is that things will
go smoothly (remember, those dang climbing cutworms I am always on about are going to be
chomping on leaves of many kinds of plants until the end of April). Of course, the recent
warmth might have tempted you to experiment with early sowing, especially if your garden is
in a warm, sheltered site. If l you have sown annuals, such as hardy lettuce and spinach, it
might work out (…just be prepared to re-seed if it doesn’t).
Beware bolting biennials:
Biennial vegetables are less likely to be successful planted early because of the risk of
vernalization from a late spring cold spell. Biennials, such as chard, kale, celery, onions and
leeks, bolt (flower and go to seed) in their second summer after spending the winter in the
garden. The winter chill is the signal that tells them they are in their second summer and it is
time to flower. However, if biennial vegetables are sown early enough in the season, they can
be fooled by a later period of cool weather in April into responding as if they had experienced
winter. The result is that some, or all, of the plants bolt later on in mid-summer. If you have
had trouble with biennials bolting prematurely, try waiting to plant until later in the spring.
Even though it is quite cold hardy, I don’t sow chard until early May, because it is readily
vernalized. The plants produce all year around and through the following spring; I am usually
picking the last leaves of the overwintered plants when the first leaves of the new crop are
ready to harvest.
Starting seed indoors:
Celery and celeriac take a long time to grow from tiny seeds so should be started indoors this
month. I will be starting my onions and leek seeds under grow lights in another week or so,
having found that end of February timing works better than sowing them earlier. I went into
detail on timing of spring sowing last year so I refer you to my February 6, 2021 message for
more information: http://www.lindagilkeson.ca/gardening_tips.html
For my presentation on how to start seedlings indoors, see: http://www.lindagilkeson.ca/pdf/Starting%20seeds%202022%20web.pdf If the weather in March continues to warm up you could germinate some peas indoors for 2
weeks, then move them out to the garden and even try a few early potatoes. Sometimes
March is a reasonable month for a head start on peas and potatoes, planting strawberries–
and some years it isn’t.
Mason Bee notes:
If you haven’t done so, it is time to put the cleaned cocoons of your mason bees (AKA Blue
Orchard Bees) outdoor as the bees will be emerging soon (one or two have already started
emerging from mine). The first bees to emerge are males, but females will be out pretty soon
afterward so put out new nest tubes or cleaned nest boxes at the same time.
Salt Spring Garden Mentors wanted:
For the last two years, a growing group of experienced gardeners, has been mentoring new
or less experienced gardeners as they get started growing food. The organizer, Marian
Hargrove, is looking for more mentors, as well as any new gardeners interested in being
paired up with someone they can call for advice during the season. Contact her
at: momhargrove@yahoo.com
Posted in Gardening Tips.