President’s Report, December 2024
The next Cowichan Valley Garden Club Meeting will be held Wednesday, December 11th, 2024, at Duncan United Church (246 Ingram Street). Meeting starts at 7:00pm, doors open at 6:30.
As this is our Christmas party we will be doing things a little differently this month. I will start the short and sweet business meeting right at 7. We will have a quick break to buy raffle tickets and then have the raffle and close the meeting.
Then the fun begins! The band will start playing, the dancing will commence, tea will be served and the visiting will be ongoing.
Please bring greenery for our annual greenery exchange. This will replace our usual plant sale. No charge for greenery but donations are appreciated.
The Parlor Show this month includes:
- Let There Be Light – includes candle(s)
- Precious Jewels – your interpretation
- Center of Attention – a design of your choice featuring a single flower
Other categories include branches with cones, holly with berries, variegated branch, parsnips, Brussels sprouts and flowering plants. Don’t forget we always have the Surprise Us and Anything Goes categories for anything we just have to see! Please refer to the website for details.
As always we will have the food bank donation box which has a space for non perishable foods and a space for cash donations. The need is great this year so please consider a generous donation!!
Marlene Karmann
Copyright © *Cowichan Garden Club, 2021, all rights reserved*
Our mailing address is:
*PO Box 917, Duncan, BC, Canada, V9L 3Y2*